what you should know about a partial or Full scale fuel supply disruption.

The Documents , listed below come from M.B.I.E (ministry of business innovation & employment), and are copyright of the NZ Govt.  They are used under the Creative Commons and Fair Use.

National Fuel Plan Final March 2020

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Petroleum demand restraint act 1981

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civil defence emergency management act 2022

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This is a multi level agency deployment

Legislation that will come into effect

Petroleum Demand Restraint Act 1981: Under section 4, the Governor-General may make regulations to restrain the demand for, or ensure the equitable distribution of, petroleum products that are in short supply.

Regulations made under section 4 may control, regulate, prohibit or otherwise make provision as to the acquisition, distribution, supply, storage, sale or use of petroleum products in New Zealand.
Regulations under this Act may only be made when the Governor-General is satisfied that reasonably available supplies of petroleum products are, or are likely to be, insufficient to maintain stocks at normal levels in New Zealand or parts of New Zealand.

Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 s60(a): Requires lifeline utilities to ensure that they are able to function to the fullest possible extent, even though this may be at a reduced level, during and after an emergency. (Refer to Glossary for definition of emergency).

Oil companies and associated distribution companies are defined as ‘lifeline utilities’ under the CDEM Act 2002, Schedule 1, Part B (7):
“An entity that produces, processes, or distributes to retail outlets or bulk customers any petroleum products used as an energy source or an essential lubricant or additive for motors for machinery.”

Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 s90: Continued,  Provides requisitioning powers of materials, equipment and supplies where considered necessary for the preservation of human life.
A state of emergency is required to be in force in the area. Requisitioning powers are seen as a tool of last resort when the fuel sector fails to implement lead agency instructions and/or the measures in this Plan are inadequate to secure supply to critical customers.